Sunday, October 14, 2007

Business Cards... possible to recycle??

Well, like all entrepeneurs (wow, I can't belive I called myself that) I need a busness card. A fabulous crafty friend has designed an awesome card for me. I'll post her design as soon as they're printed.

But... how can you recycle AND print something new? It's a bit unprofessional to have old writing on the back of your cards... not to mention confusing. This is what we did. My friend had some 8 1/2 by 11 card stock that was cut into squares. Now, what was left was just under the height of business-cards. Ta-da! So, if you want to leave a light footprint, look for materials that otherwise would be recycled, and use them for your projects. My business cards will be a centimeter or two shorter (perhaps to match my own stature?) but, the paper will be free, and I won't have to cut down any more trees.


Barbra said...

Hi...Super idea. The paper waste in this country is staggering. I'm a purchasing agent for an investment firm and it boggles my mind when I see how much paper I buy,they go through and because so much is confidential then it must be shredded. One of the gals does take it home for mulch.

LadybugSF said...

Mulch is a great idea, too! Any reuse is good reuse.

Fish On The Wall said...

I've started taking the shredded paper bits home for my daughter to make handmade paper. We have way more than she will ever use, and that was just from one week in an office with 2 people!
I like the idea of using the off cuts as business cards, but where did you get them printed? (Or am I misunderstanding?)

LadybugSF said...

I'm printing them myself! In SF there's a great company called The Center for the Book: You can take print classes there, and use your own paper to print.

Fish On The Wall said...

Gotcha! I know printing places and do-it-yourself places like Kinkos will cut your stock down, but you start with 8.5x11. I did screen printing in HS and now want to try block printing for my tags- more fun than the computer printer!
Can't wait to see the results!

PS- your goodies are on the way!

Anonymous said...

Nice post.